About Xviewer:

Image viewer as the caption say, or Xviewer as the About window say.
You find about it here:

This is a simple program, so this review will be the same.
Xviewer opens fast with the image loaded. You have a few settings. So lets go through them here..

The picture you have opened can be opened with another program. This is likely used if you open your images in the Xviewer, and then want to take a selected one to a program for processing. F.ex to The GIMP! You can use this menu item for this.
Then you can open a file, by opening a dialog window. You can save them the same way. And there are a selection of filetypes available. These are the most used and common filetypes. You can print from the program, and you can set the current image as wallpaper for your background. Also you can select to open the folder where the current image resides. In the Filemenu you also have a list f the most recent files you have had opened in the Xviewer. And finally there is the “Properties” item, that will open a small window with some basic information about the image opened. These info are; Name, Height, Width, Type, and size on disk in bytes. And again you can open the filemanager where the current image in the program is located. And if more files are open you can go to the next or the previous.
In the Edit menu you can flip and rotate the image opened. And this is where you can delete the file, or move it to trash what ever the difference is.
And finally there is the “Preferences”. This opens a window with four tabs. They are in order; Image View, Slideshow, Mouse, and Plugins.
On the first tab you can set the Automatic orientation, and choose to have the image smooth when you zoom in and/or out. You can set a custom background color. And some settings for how to show the images if they are transparent. On the Slideshow tab you have the settings to let the image fill out the entire window when zooming. And you can set how long time a picture will show, before the next is loaded in the slideshow mode. And you can choose whether to loop the slideshow. And select if you can stop and restart the slideshow using the spacebar. On the Mouse tab you have some setting that you can change, about how you can use the mouse and if a present scroll wheel. Finally on the last tab there are some plugins listed. Here you can activate or disable the plugins.
Also there is a button to open the settings, or preferences for the plugins, and a button to show the About screen with info about the plugins.
In the View menu you can select to open the toolbar, sidepane, statusbar or if you have more pictures selected you can select the “Image Gallery” that will how a strip with the images, as thumbnails at the bottom.
In the view menu you can also choose to open the files in a Slideshow, or see the pictures i a fullscreen view.
Finally you can zoom in and out, or choose to see the image in a “best fit”.
The “Go” menu is for navigating around the pictures in your folder. Choosing First, or Last, or previous or next will do exactly that.

So this was a little about the Xviewer. The Image viewer in Linux Mint Mate. Its a good companion when you want to browse your picture files.